Source: The App Date 20 March 2014

tweri, one of the best e-health mobile apps in Spanish

The App Date presents the first report that provides a unique reference to highlight the 50 best e-health mobile applications in Spain and Latin America.

Presentación del informe en BBVA Innovation Center. Vía: The App Date.
Presentación del informe en BBVA Innovation Center. Vía: The App Date.

e-Health apps are constantly evolving and growing. According to the latest IMS Institute for healthCare Informatics research, Apple's App Store has now more than 40.000 e-health apps, while all app stores together have over 97.000. 

It is no wonder, therefore, that it is estimated that a third part of users will have at least an e-Health app installed in his or her smartphone on 2015. But, which one? This is when The App Date, Zeltia Observatory and their Best 50 e-Health Apps in Spanish Report come into play, a document that try to be a guide to determine the quality and excellence, appart from mapping Spain and Latin America mHealth sector.

We are very proud to report that one of these 50 apps is tweri Alzheimer Caregiver, our context-aware mobile app for affected by this illness.

We want to congratulate The App Date and all the team that made this report possible for their wark and also say thank you for giving us this huge recognition.

‘Informe de las 50 mejores apps de salud en español’ from THE APP DATE on Vimeo.


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